May 9 – Day of Remembrance and Honors

On May 7, in the hall of spirituality of JSC “Sharguncoal” in connection with the “May 9 – Day of Memory and Honors”, a round table conversation was held with the participants of the Afghan War active in the society. The round table was held by the chief engineer of JSC “Sharguncoal” – Sh. J. Surkhanov opening it with an introductory speech, congratulated the participants of the meeting and the participants of the Afghan war on the holiday.
Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of JSC “Sharguncoal” – M. Kh. Danaev made a congratulatory speech, wishing them long life and good health. The youth leader of JSC “Sharguncoal”, B. Kh. Kurbanov, read to the participants of the meeting information about the events that took place during the Second World War and before the end of the Afghan War, as well as about the role of Uzbekistan in these wars.
After that, the participants of the event were shown a video depicting the Afghan War.
During the event, participants of the Afghan War told about their military experiences. Participants of the Afghan War answered the questions asked by the participants of the event. The event was very interesting.
At the end of the event, the trade union committee of JSC “Sharguncoal” presented memorable gifts.