The Competition Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan warns
The Competition Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan warns
The presentation of biologically active supplements, ointments, ointments, balms, tinctures and waters as a “cure for a thousand and one diseases”, as well as advertising about the “miraculous” effect, is the cause of tragic situations. The Committee for the Development of Competition and Protection of Consumer Rights issued a warning about this.
It is noted that today biologically active food additives, ointments, ointments, balms, tinctures, waters are promoted in the form of the most optimal and effective tool in the treatment and prevention (prophylaxis) of diseases that are difficult to treat in medicine through groups and channels organized in social networks and telegram messengers. is increasing.
Advertising of these products as a “cure for a thousand and one diseases” based on false or vague, exaggerating statements that mislead consumers about their “miraculous” effects, recommendations of these products by famous persons and public figures, comments on their use in treatment, range of effects and therapeutic effectiveness Consumers opting out of scheduled (conventional) treatment and opting for self-medication is used, even causing tragic situations.
In particular, commercials use religious sentiments of citizens as evidence, using pictures of religious bloggers, videos and audio clips with their participation (although a certain brand did not say clearly), artificially increasing consumer confidence in products by giving recommendations and instructions for treatment and ultimately leading to the wrong conclusion.
Unfortunately, the direct advertising of such products by religious bloggers misleads consumers, leads them to mistakenly believe that these products are medicinal and therapeutic, and to consume them.
On the other hand, the Committee receives many appeals from people who believed in advertisements and bought such products, but as a result of their consumption, their health worsened. In particular, in the last period of this year, about 1,000 appeals on BFQs were considered, and 118 million soums of material damages were provided to consumers.
For information: Article 35 of the Law “On Advertising” defines the requirements for the advertising of biologically active food additives and food additives:
do not give the impression that they are drugs and (or) have therapeutic properties;
do not include references to specific cases of people being treated, improving their condition as a result of their use;
do not include acknowledgments from individuals for their use; does not encourage rejection of healthy eating;
not to create the impression that biologically active additives added to food and food additives are superior to medicinal products by making references to the facts of research, state registration, as well as using the results of other studies in the form of a direct recommendation for their use;
in each case, it is stipulated that the object of advertising should be accompanied by a warning that it is not a medicinal product.
Pursuant to Article 47 of the Law, violation of the requirements for advertising of biologically active and food additives shall result in a fine of thirty times the amount of the base calculation.
Taking into account the above, the Competition Committee, based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Advertising”, misleading or misleading advertising users as a result of its ambiguity, non-uniformity, exaggeration, concealment, requirements regarding the time, place and method of distribution, as well as other requirements stipulated by the law advertising that may cause material and moral damage to legal and natural persons, as well as to the interests of society and the state warns about false (dishonest, knowingly false) advertising and warns that the distribution of such advertising is the basis for liability under the law.
It was prepared on the basis of information from the official website of the State Committee for Combating Monopoly