“Shargunkumir” JSC has successfully completed the industrial experience test for the modernization project

Hello, dear miners.
May all of us be blessed with hard work underground, perseverance, steadfastness in the principles of honesty, and the happiness of winningl!
After all, the team of our enterprise has set itself the goal of launching the investment project for the modernization of “Shargunkomir” JSC, the first stage, that is, the installation and operation of the coal mining equipment of stage E-01, that is, the industrial pilot test (the combine harvester alone (idling) we managed to use it), Alhamdulillah!!!
This is a huge success!
A vindication of great faith!
Tolerance, harmony, high results in a team environment where one soul is united is a fact!
The next stage will be the assembly of the W-01 stage and the full launch of the project in a few days…
Therefore, our hard but honorable work will continue.
The main heroes of this continuous process – our miners, congratulations and thanks for your work, health, and hard work!
May the achievements gain continuity and may what you find be spent in your good days!!!
General director of “Shargunkumir” JSC
Hamza Abdullaev.