• info@sharguncoal.uz
  • Surxondaryo viloyati, Sariosiyo tumani, Sharofobod MFY Minor ko`chasi, 35 uy

Prices for coal mined by Shargunkumir JSC from November 15, 2023 are set as follows

  • Coal grade SSSSH (fraction 0 + 13 mm) 460 000 sum.
  • Coal grade SSSSHMO brand (fraction 0 + 50 mm) 312 000 sum.
  • Coal grade SSKOM (fraction 13-100 mm) 549 000 sum.

Prices are calculated with VAT per ton of coal.

1. In accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 31, 2015 No. 75, a special surcharge for 1 ton of coal products in the amount of 54,000 Soums is established.

2. The sale of coal products is carried out through trade in ” commodity exchange raw materials” republic of Uzbekistan.

Brokerage office: 11856 (10-826). Tel: (+998) 90-644-24-72

Contact phone: (+998) 99 377-22-10; (+998) 99-377-22-48