Holiday greetings of Khamza Naimovich Abdullaev, CEO of “Shargunkumir” JSC, on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution
Dear compatriots, respected miners! I congratulate you all on the occasion of the Constitution Day on December 8. The Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted on December 8, 1992, is first of all valuable to all of us as a testimony of Uzbekistan’s freedom.
In these days, when our constitution is in full swing, as in all regions of our country, in all spheres of society, it is necessary to acknowledge with satisfaction and pride that in our joint-stock company “Shargunkomir” large-scale creative and creative work is being carried out for the development of the country.
As an important document defining the legal guarantees of the present and future of our people, the Supreme Council also serves to make our citizens happy and live more prosperous lives.
All the life principles defined in our main dictionary are highly valued by the world community as they serve the bright future of this country, equal life of citizens regardless of nationality, language, religion, social origin. In this regard, social and political rights and freedoms of citizens are firmly guaranteed in our Constitution.
At the core of the consistent policy conducted in our country are priority tasks aimed at the priority of procedures based on humanity in our society, alleviating people’s burden, providing ointment for their pain, and ensuring the rights of every citizen.
After all, the main goal of our Constitution is to create suitable conditions for our people to live a comfortable life.
As a result of the consistent implementation of the tasks set before our society, as well as the planned activities, huge achievements were made in the economy, construction, and the implementation of new technologies in production. Of course, our achievements are the result of selfless work of you miners.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, I sincerely congratulate the members of our society, as well as all our compatriots, once again on the thirty-first anniversary of the adoption of our Constitution.
Sincerely, General Director of “Shargunkumir” JSC Kh.N.Abdullaev