As you know, according to the decree of the President, in honor of the 32nd anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a group of civil servants and workers in the production and socio-economic sphere was awarded.
It is gratifying that among them is Kamol Khurramovich Normamatov, a miner at the underground coal mining site of the “Shargunkumir” joint-stock company in the Saryassy district. On the eve of the 32nd anniversary of our independence, by the Decree of the President of our country, Kamal Khurramovich was awarded the Order of “Do’stlik”.
Yesterday, the award ceremony was held in the hokimiyat of Surkhandarya region. In it, the hokim of the Surkhandarya region Ulugbek Kasymov presented the awardees, including our colleague Kamal Khurramovich Normamatov, with the “Dostlik” order on behalf of the head of our state.
It should be noted here that Kamal Normamatov began his career in 1992 as a mining worker of the 1st category of the “Technical Control” section of the Shargun coal mine. Currently, he is effectively working as an underground mining worker at a treatment plant of the 5th level of the site “Coal mining by underground method No. 1” of the joint-stock company “Shargunkumir”.
At the moment, he and his wife Mukhabbat Normamatova are raising a daughter and three sons. The family of Kamal Normamatov is considered one of the exemplary families of the Boysunabad microdistrict of the Sariassy region.
Taking this opportunity, on behalf of our large team, we sincerely congratulate our colleague on the high attention and recognition of our country. We wish you good health, long life, family happiness and success in your future endeavors.
Below you can see photos from the event held in the regional administration.