A meeting was held to study the current state of external power supply to the Sharguncoal mines…

On March 12, 2021, a meeting was held with specialists of JSC “Sharguncoal” and JSC “Surkhandarya CHPP”, the Surkhandarya regional territorial administration “Uzenergoinspektsiya”, the Surkhandarya regional department of the “State Committee for Industrial Safety” to study the current state of external power supply of the Shargun coal deposits. During the meeting, the current state of electricity supply was studied on the spot and the upcoming works were agreed upon.

Reference: On the basis of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 13.01.2017 No. PP-2727 “on measures for the implementation of the project” Modernization of JSC “Sharguncoal” with bringing the design capacity to 900 thousand tons of coal per year“, construction and installation works of the investment project are being carried out at the JSC “Sharguncoal” field.