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 Today is the day when the national anthem of Uzbekistan was adopted. What do we need to know about our anthem?

Today is the day when the national anthem of Uzbekistan was adopted. What do we need to know about our anthem?

Today marks the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the National Anthem. On December 10, 1992, the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted.
Our dear hymn, which reminds us that we live in an incomparable land and a heavenly land every day, has entered our hearts as the leader of about 80 poems that are candidates for hymns. About forty of the first anthems were selected, each of which was carefully considered by a special commission, and 27 of them participated in the first stage of the competition. 3 anthem texts that successfully passed the II and III stages were deemed worthy of the final stage. These were the anthems of Mutal (Mutavakkil) Burkhanov and Abdulla Oripov, Bakhtiyar Aliev and Abdulla Oripov, Rustam Abdullaev and Mirpolat Mirzo.

On December 10, 1992, at the 11th session of the Supreme Council, where more than 400 deputies gathered, our current national anthem, authored by Mutal Burkhanov and Abdulla Oripov, was adopted with thunderous applause. After all, our anthem, which reflects the great creative potential of two authors who are masters of their work, has a magic that moves our hearts from the beginning to the end. All the greatness of our country and all the greatness of our people are embodied in it.

The law states that the national anthem is a symbol of state sovereignty, and it is the patriotic duty of every countryman to treat it with respect. It was emphasized that the citizens of Uzbekistan, as well as other persons living in our country, must respect our national anthem.

Yes, all our compatriots who participated in the process of creating the only sacred song of our nation are true patriots. They love the country with their glorious words honoring our motherland and people in their texts. But paying respect to our national anthem and putting your right hand on your chest and harmonizing with it from the bottom of your heart is actually the highest level of patriotism. Reaching this level gives honor to every person who considers himself a child of this country, to every compatriot. Article 2 of the Law “On the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan” states that “…it is the patriotic duty of every citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan to treat the national anthem with great respect.”

The law also clearly specifies how we should behave during the singing of the national anthem. Article 7 of the Law on the National Anthem, when it is performed in the presence of the majority, unless otherwise provided by law, the people present listen to the national anthem while standing and placing the palm of the right hand on the left side of the chest, and persons in special uniform in the military or other state service place their hands on their hats. If the anthem is played together with the raising of the national flag, those present will turn their faces to it. Implementation in educational institutions is regulated by the rules established by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education and the Ministry of Public Education in agreement with interested organizations. The law defines such procedures regarding the national anthem.

The last – Article 13 of the law states that “Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as other persons living in Uzbekistan, must respect the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan.” After all, disrespecting the National Anthem brings criminal liability and is punished with a fine of up to 25 times the BHM (up to 6 million 750 thousand soums) or up to 360 hours of compulsory community service or up to 3 years of correctional work.

The author of the national anthem is the Hero of Uzbekistan, the national poet of Uzbekistan Abdulla Oripov, and the music was created by the national artist of Uzbekistan, famous composer Mutal Burkhanov. It glorifies the great past, our national traditions and values, universal feelings such as peace, tranquility, inter-ethnic harmony and brotherhood.

The anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan serves as an important educational tool in the formation of love for the Motherland, deep respect for our rich history and national identity in young people, and for our children to grow up as well-rounded and mature people.

Information from the uza.uz and yuz.uz sites was used.