Since time immemorial, the Uzbek people have been clearing their ditches and ditches in order to improve their land with the advent of” Navruz”.

Since time immemorial, the Uzbek people have been clearing their ditches and ditches in order to improve their land with the advent of” Navruz”.

Since time immemorial, the Uzbek people have been clearing their ditches and ditches in order to improve their land with the advent of” Navruz”.

They sweep their streets by spraying water to clean the environment of household waste.

They give the trees and sprouts shape and serve to preserve the beauty and beauty of the region.

In this regard, this morning on the territory of the managing office of JSC “Sharguncoal” in high spirits, a “khashar” on landscaping began.

“Khashar” works are also continuing in “Shargun Sewing Shop” LLC, “Shargun Mechanical Plant” LLC and “Shargun Briquette” LLC as part of JSC “Sharguncoal”.…