Professional holiday ”Railway Worker’s Day“ and “Miner’s Day”…
On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 2, 2017 No. UP-5128 “on the celebration of the Day of Railway Transport Workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan”and the order of JSC “Uzbekistan Temir Yullari” dated July 16, 2021 No. 737-N, on the eve of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a solemn celebration of the professional holiday of railway workers who occupy a special place in the development of the transport system of our state, carrying out large-scale reforms and celebration, was also held, dedicated to the professional holiday “Miner’s Day”.

The event was held in a very high mood, in compliance with quarantine requirements. During the event, the General Director of JSC “Sharguncoal”, Hamza Abdullayev, congratulated the selfless, hardworking, selfless, patriotic workers working in the society on the 30th anniversary of our independence and the professional holiday “Miner’s Day”, asking Allah for good health, inexhaustible will and family peace, well-being in families, joy in hearts and good luck.
The event was also attended by the chairman of the trade union committee of JSC “Sharguncoal” Danaev Mansur Khamrokulovich, Chief Engineer Surkhonov Shavkat Jurakulovich and workers of advanced mining and other professions, who congratulated everyone on the holiday, wishing that our country would always be prosperous, our hardworking people-prosperous, and our independence-eternal.

At the event, more than twenty of the most active and progressive employees of Shargunkumir JSC, who worked fruitfully for many years in Shargunkumir JSC, actively participated in public and political life, contributed to the prosperity and development of the country, were awarded certificates of honor and valuable gifts from JSC “Uzbekistan Temir Yullari”, as well as together with the administration of JSC “Sharguncoal” and the trade union committee of JSC “Sharguncoal”, were awarded the badge “Miner’s glory”.
1.For fruitful work, success in work and initiative in the field of railway transport, as well as in connection with the professional holiday of railway workers, the following employees were awarded a Certificate of Honor on behalf of the management of JSC “Uzbekistan Temir Yullari” and JSC “Sharguncoal” and a cash prize in the amount of four times the basic calculation introduced in the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1) Musayev Kadir Yusuf ugli-underground tunneler of the section ” underground coal mining No. 1″ ;
2) Turaev Tursun Kholmakhmatovich-a driver of a car garage for the transportation of coal;
3) Ismatov Khurram Mahamadievich – locksmith-repairman of the site ” acceptance and loading of coal” ;
4) Khaitov Panzhi Khursanovich-mining worker of the company JSC “Baisuncoal”;
5) Divonkulov Uktam Dzhumayevich-compiler of trains of the railway transport section;
6) Donaev Rustam Khamrokulovich-underground electrician of the section “repair and preventive work of Power Mechanics”.
Employees awarded with the badge “Miner’s Glory” of the III degree and monetary remuneration in the amount of two times the basic calculation of remuneration established in the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1) Azizov Jurabek Gulmatovich-underground Miner of the treatment face;
2) Dzhurakulov Shamsiddin Lutfilloevich-underground tunneller;
3) Kaimov Amirkul Kholmamatovich-underground tunneller;
Awarded with a ” valuable gift “on behalf of the management of JSC “Sharguncoal”:
1) Tursunov Farhad Fayzulloevich-underground miner for the repair of mining sinking;
2) Khursanov Jabbar Abdullo ugli-underground Miner;
3) Suyunov Rakhmatullo Mahamadievich-mining worker of surface works;
4) Umarov Sanzhar Hamdamkul ugli-mining worker of surface works;
5) Gapparov Boboer Bozorovich-excavator driver;