Competition for an external audit of financial statements
JSC “Sharguncoal”
announces a competition for an external audit of financial statements:
– conducting an external audit in accordance with the National Accounting Standards at the end of 2020;
– conducting an external audit in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS);
– audit of the values of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) at the end of 2020;
– assessment of the corporate governance system for 2020;
Auditing organizations are allowed to participate in the competition:
1. Licensed to conduct audits of all business entities;
2. Carrying out audit activity for at least 5 years;
3. Having a professional liability insurance policy in the implementation of audit activities in the amount of at least 300 million soums;
4. Having successful practical experience in the provision of audit services and specialists in the state with the necessary accounting (auditing) qualifications;
5. Employed specialists of the securities market participant.
Call for proposals is submitted in a sealed envelope and must contain the following information:
– Competitive application for participation in the competition, indicating general information about the audit organization and the cost of audit services;
– a copy of the certificate of state registration;
– a copy of the license for the right to carry out audits;
– a copy of the professional liability insurance policy in the course of auditing in the amount of at least 300 million sums
– copies of qualification certificates of the auditor (s) that will take part in the audit and copies of certificates confirming that the audit participant has the qualifications of an international accountant, a specialist in the securities market, a tax consultant, etc.
Starting price of a complex service 30,000,000 (thirty million) soums
Note: The contract will be concluded within 6 working days after the decision to select an independent audit organization.
Documents must be sent with a cover letter in a closed envelope to the address: Surkhandarya region, Sariosi district, Shargun, A. Ikramov st. 50, administrative building of JSC “Sharguncoal” until 01.01.2021.
Contact phones: (+ 99 899) 377-22-05;
Email: shargun_kumir58@mail.ru